Interested in our club ? Send a mail to and we get back to you soon.
Hereafter some info and guidelines.
Candidate Members better first contact the management, or another member, to know which group fits you best.
U can join our rides 3 times, afterwards we ask you to become meber. This for insurance reasons, and out of respect for our sponsors.
Each trip starts at the Church of Sint-Genesius-Rode (Dorpstraat). The time of departure of the various groups is different. It is recommended to carefully check the programs and if you are not yet in possession of one, you can always contact the captain of your group and/or consult one of our administrators.
The membership fee with WTC DE HOEK is € 30,- including an insurance as regards to a third party.
Attention : This is not an “omnium” insurance. In case of an accident your personal family insurance has to be taken into account before the insurance of the club will intervene.
Club clothing is mandatory for members, see CLUB – KLEDIJ.
We wish you a lot of cycling fun !
The Management.
P.S. We ask to effect all payments, i.e. membership, participation to excursions,… only via our bank account : BE16 9733 8456 0574.
Hereafter some info and guidelines.
Candidate Members better first contact the management, or another member, to know which group fits you best.
U can join our rides 3 times, afterwards we ask you to become meber. This for insurance reasons, and out of respect for our sponsors.
Each trip starts at the Church of Sint-Genesius-Rode (Dorpstraat). The time of departure of the various groups is different. It is recommended to carefully check the programs and if you are not yet in possession of one, you can always contact the captain of your group and/or consult one of our administrators.
The membership fee with WTC DE HOEK is € 30,- including an insurance as regards to a third party.
Attention : This is not an “omnium” insurance. In case of an accident your personal family insurance has to be taken into account before the insurance of the club will intervene.
Club clothing is mandatory for members, see CLUB – KLEDIJ.
We wish you a lot of cycling fun !
The Management.
P.S. We ask to effect all payments, i.e. membership, participation to excursions,… only via our bank account : BE16 9733 8456 0574.